

Page history last edited by Mimoza 10 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to the GTP September 2014

"Games and Sports"

Learning Circle


Games are important part of everyone's growing up but are also part of our culture. Sport is important for our health, especially for students. How the society is treating sports and games is affecting our way of understanding their importance. By sharing own traditional games students learn about each other.


Supplementary News Phase 6: Closing




We are in the last week of September-December LC.

All too soon we have come to the end the September-December 2014 Learning Circles.

I will like to express my profoundest gratitude to you teachers for the invaluable services you rendered to the students throughout the 10 week period. To your students I say well done! We are proud of you. To our fellow country coordinators, you are the pivot in which the Learning Circles revolve. Without your support, the Learning Circle will not have come to this stage. Thanks for the usual support.


Survey: your opinion matters. We kindly ask teachers and students to complete the survey. (each teacher and at least 5 students). The evaluation results will help the project coordinators and country coordinators to assess the successes, challenges and the way forward of subsequent Learning Circles. Link to the English survey https://gtpevaluation.pbworks.com/w/page/39898827/Students%20and%20teachers%20survey%20English









Mimoza Anastoska-Jankulovska 



 Overview LC Games and Sports Sept 2014 - Week 10

CODE  Test TL 
Terry Fox Elementary School 
GS2 17.10 
03.10  03.10
   14.11   14.11
James W Hill Public School  GS3 01.10  08.10
Cosburn Middle School  GS4 29.09  09.10
    17.11   17.11
Latvia Kraslava Secondary School Varaviksne  GS5 03.10
06.11   02.12
Hungary Zöld Sziget Körzeti Általános Iskola  GS6 
28.09  11.10
  27.11    12.12   07.12
  On time    
Little bit late    1 Week late   More than a week late          

* A date in the overview means a school completed the phase/ placed text. The color of the date indicates if it was paced in time, little bit late, 1 one week late or placed in the wiki more than a week late.

* A X in the overview means a school dit not place date in the wiki. The color of the X indicates if a school is little bit late, 1 one week late or more than a week late with placing their information on the Wiki.



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